Monday, November 1, 2010

A reimagining of myself

Ok well. Not that I expected to have a million people following my blog immediatly. But It seems almost like I'm talking to myself.

I've decided it's time to put my life together. I've always thought how great it would be to do what I want but never actively went out and tried to attain this goal. Play guitar, travel act in a movie with Edward Norton, all that good stuff.  Well I'm going to get on it. Starting today. I'm learning Guitar...self teaching of course. I know graphic design, photography and now guitar.

Thats right from now on I'm gonna be that fun guy who plays time of your life by greenday at parties lol... well maybe I'll vary it up a bit. I'll keep you posted on my progress...You know maybe I should keep this updated with some sweet photography depicting what I'm up to. (Learning guitar comes first)  then Maybe Fixing cars...anything that will add to my list of abilities. I'm gonna be superman (If superman were a relatively normal guy...

Anyway, I'll be sure to keep my legions of readers in the loop.

1 comment:

  1. Update... Guitars in the closet...
    Cars making a funny noise when I reverse
    Edward Norton..well no need to go into details there.
    I have been going to Niagara Falls a heck of a lot more than usual.
