Monday, April 29, 2013

Children Photos!

I had an amazing photo session recently with a perfect model. I couldn't have asked for a more cooperative partner. Behold a quick reference of the photos!

It seems I am getting more baby and children photo sessions booked lately which is great!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I have begun doing a few promotions and have unified my design across all my platforms (Facebook, website blog and soon to come...Youtube channel).

It will follow suit with the following.

I think it's very clean an works well for what I am trying to Accomplish.

In the process of licensing music to use in promo video slideshows which will be featured on

Keep your eyes wide. lots to come!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Website Updates!

My website can now be reached at both
and Click on them to your hearts content.

I Don't do much modeling but when I do...

I shot this in Punta Cana during the week I was there for a wedding. It turned out fantastic. My model Melissa Warkus deserves a huge thank you for all of the dirt and salt water she had to endure.
The sun was actually on the other side of the island which led me to get creative with my lighting rig.

I had an assistant hold my flash on a stand just behind Mel to simulate the sun. then a fast bit of photo shop to streak the yellow sunset across the horizon. I think it worked out beautifully.

Shows you really can accomplish a lot with a little ingenuity.