Sunday, August 19, 2012

Updates to the website coming soon!

Ahha yes, I have met with my Web Designer and have been given all of the instructions I need so you can expect to see some updates there as well!

The latest from the lens

My most recent Family photo session. funny when you are in the shoot it seems hard with kids, but These turned out great! Thanks Jesse!

These will be posted on my website within the week.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Upcoming events!

A pic from my most recent wedding! You can see more on the Facebook group and soon the website.

I figured I would just say a little about whats been going on. My own wedding is coming up fast and I'm pretty excited. I have a wedding to a week after I get back from my honeymoon and am looking forward to it!

As far as the ole photography thing goes. I am meeting with my web designer to go over a few things on the website So I'm hoping I can get a little more into the site (Being able to update it myself) things like that.

I am planning on a special project this fall I don't want to give away too many details just yet but it's going to be interesting.

Keep your eyeballs open.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Apparently I'm kind of a big deal :P

Recently I have been awarded Sudburys favourite wedding photographer by the Sudbury Star! I want to thank all those who voted for me!

Again for anyone interested in more information visit the new website at

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Things are picking up steam!

In addition to the new website which I hope everyone has had a chance to see I now have my new camera! T|he 5D Mark II it has been a favourite among wedding photographers for years now and After my brief introduction to it I can say I understand why. Without getting into too much technical detail it's more worries about high ceilings as this will take a sharp photo in extremely dim light.

I couldn't be happier!

if you havn't seen the new site yet  follow the link and have a look.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Well...It finally happened! After many many promises I have launched the website!! Check it out at

A huge thanks to Mathieu Beausoleil I know it wouldn't have come together at all were it left in my hands alone. Enjoy the site everyone. Next stop is the new camera!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Camera, Camera, Camera!

I am on the verge of purchasing a new camera! Since the arrival of the Canon 5D Mark III...the earlier version the Mark II has been given some pretty good incentive pricing! As much as I love my current camera this one ranks about 8 or 9 steps up on Canons roster. In other words, it makes my current camera look like a pad and paper!

Finally! an update!

It's been a while! I am finishing my website and will be utilizing the blog more as the two will be linked. Look for updates far more often!